Security Consultant

The management of industrial and commercial organization, owing to their involvement in the heavy load of day-to-day business is unable to pay attention to other allied issues, especially Security, which is usually given a lower priority. As such, Security threats faced by an organization are not analyzed and requirements no assessed, thus the money spent on Security measures is either under utilized or wasted. This Can Be Disastrous.

When our Services as Security Consultants are utilized we carry out a Security audit. This consists of evaluating the quality and professional competence of the manpower, weapons, and equipment / devices being used for Security, the financial aspect is also scrutinized to ensure that the money spent is being utilized judiciously, to ensure maximum effective coverage.

We also carry out Security surveys to analyze the vulnerabilities faced by an organization identify the treats they pose and then draw out their Needs requirements, which would translate in to a Security Plan. Besides we prepare Contingency Plans to cover strikes. Loss Prevention, Bomb Treats, Fire and Safety, Security Standing Orders and any Security related problems.

Since the utilization of Consultation by Industrial and Business in the field of Management, technical services, marketing and finance has become common, and then why not “Security Consultant”, as the whole edifice of an organization is based on “Effective Security?” Remember Without Security Noting Will Function Efficiently.